Review: Frostbitten by Cassie Cole. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Frostbitten by Cassie Cole

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Snowed in with the three of them?
Maybe this blizzard won’t be so bad . . .

It was just supposed to be a one-night stand.
Some no-strings-attached fun to help me get over my ex.
And after the sizzling night Hunter and I had?
Soon the only thing I can think about is when I’m going to see him again.

But a blizzard descended on our mountain cabin in the middle of the night.
Now Hunter and I are snowed in together.
And we’re not the only ones . . .

His two colleagues are staying in the cabin next door.
And they’re even more handsome and flirty than he is!

Help is still days away — if not weeks . . .

The four of us are going to have to find ways to pass the time.
And the boys have some creative ideas on what to do with me.

Can we survive until rescue arrives?
Or will we fall in love along the way?


Good standalone reverse-harem!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💙🖤💜
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📙📘
World building: 🌏🌍🌎🌍🌎
Character development: 😟🤭☺️😘

The heroine: Allison – two months ago she broke up with her boyfriend of ten months, and she is still getting over it. Allie is a CPA for an accounting firm, and it is two weeks from April 15. So, her office has been super busy, and she has been working sixteen-hour days and probably will continue to do so for the next two weeks. Her coworker has been trying to set Allie up with one of her clients so she can get over her ex by getting under someone new.

The Heroes: Hunter, Justin and Chase – Hunter is a bestselling author and a client of Ingram and Holloway, Allie’s accounting firm, though his CPA is her friend. He recently got out of a long-term relationship and hasn’t been on a first date in three years. He isn’t looking for anything serious but agrees to go out with Allison. Justin is a nice guy, a big handsome ginger, and he is Hunter’s editor. Chase can be abrasive; he is ruggedly handsome with black hair and a beard. He is Hunter’s agent/manager.

The Story: – Hunter and Allie decide to treat the date as two friends going out for dinner, so they immediately start by telling each other about their exes and their relationship experiences. Hunter had been with his ex-Veronica for three years, but they lost the spark after the first year and found they didn’t really like each other, but ended up staying together another two years, often fighting about everything. Allie, on the other hand, had dated Peter for ten months and he was a narcissist and a selfish jerk, but Allie was too cowardly to end things, especially because everyone else loved him.

Hunter and Allie commiserated with each other and found they had a lot in common and genuinely liked each other. It turns out that Hunter has been suffering from writer’s block and plans to go to a mountain cabin about ten miles away with just his editor and manager to try to work on his next project. When they leave the restaurant, Hunter can’t get an Uber, so Allie offers to drive him to his cabin. She ends up staying the night and a snowstorm comes overnight and she is stuck there.

I picked this book up basically because I read Snowbound, another reverse-harem by Cassie Cole that I really enjoyed and this one seemed quite similar. I also read a few of her other books and loved that she has good stories with steamy intimate scenes which aren’t too smutty. I like a book to focus more on the story and have the intimate scenes add to the story instead of having them there for smut value. Though there is nothing wrong with some good smut now and then. The story in this book wasn’t quite as good as Snowbound but it was still a good one and I liked the relationships Allie had with each of the guys.


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