Review: Stone Guardian (Masonry, Magic and Love, #1). ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Stone Guardian by Gayle Katz

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

No Steam! No Spice! Gargoyles are immovable statues of stone. Lifeless, the librarian thought, until one of them takes flight to save her from an untimely demise.

A kindhearted but lonely librarian. Nancy is drowning under the weight of an abusive boyfriend, failing grades, and looming unemployment. While at work, she confides her deepest, darkest secrets to the gargoyle perched near her desk. But she’s unprepared when the strange stone statue comes to life.

A gentle gargoyle born under a curse. Treyton can’t believe it. In the past century that he’s been guarding the beloved Victorian library he calls home, the lonesome man never had anyone notice him until now. And he’s enchanted by the beautiful woman yearning for true love under his watchful gaze. But the witch who gave him life wants him back. And she’s willing to kill anyone who stands in her way.

As his vile witch plots against them, will Nancy and Treyton be torn apart forever, or can they overcome the evil threatening their love — and their lives?

Stone Guardian

A gargoyle story with a witch!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💙🖤💜❤️
Heat/Steam: N/A – Clean Romance
Story/Plot: 📕📗📙📘
World building: 🌏🌍🌎🌍
Character development: 😟🤭☺️🥰

The heroine: Nancy – she is going to college for business management, which really bores her, meanwhile she is working as a librarian in a library she just loves in a small town called Misty Brook. She just broke up with her deadbeat boyfriend and kicked him out of her apartment and she is afraid she might lose her job due to budget cuts. The thing she likes most about the library is the gargoyle statue near her desk which she often talks to and tells all her problems to.

The Story: – Nancy was feeling pretty low one night and she decided to make a wish in the fountain outside her library. This was the first time she ever made a wish in that fountain as she was waiting for something special. Not long after making that wish, she noticed the coin she threw in the fountain seemed to be glowing, but then it stopped and she thought she imagined it. Though ever since that night, she has been having lucid dreams in which she wakes up in her town but in the distant past and her gargoyle saved her from a fire the first night. She has also met some cool townspeople.

The Hero: Treyton – he is a gargoyle, the same one that sits inside the Misty Brook library. In the 1800’s, he originally came from another realm through the fountain outside the library and became the protector of the town. He was fleeing a witch who held his heart in the pendant she wore which tied him to her and made him her slave.

The story was original, and I really liked the characters. Nancy and Trey were both great characters and there were quite a few mysterious characters that were hard to figure out. From Nancy’s friend Diana to Diana’s new roommate CeCe and especially Gram, the guy Nancy worked with and his Aunt Opal who owned a bookstore in town. Even Nancy’s deadbeat boyfriend Travis is mysterious at times. The story was certainly unpredictable and seemed to get stranger and stranger as it went along. This surprised me because I can usually figure out what is going on long before anything is revealed in most of the books I read.


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