Audiobook Review: The Pucking Wrong Date (Pucking Wrong, #3). ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Pucking Wrong Date by C.R. Jane

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Walker Davis is going to ruin me… but for once, it might be worth it.

I’m a pariah, an outcast, and my life is not my own.

I went to that hockey game hoping for an escape and found one in him.

They call Walker Davis “Disney” for a reason; the superstar goalie is the Prince Charming of every girl’s dreams.

He told me he understood I just wanted one perfect night… but now he’s everywhere I go.

He seems to know everything about me. He keeps saying I’m the one. And he’s trying to change my last name.

He’s crazy…

A wrong date can never be a happily ever after, though… right?

The Pucking Wrong Date is a dark hockey romance standalone from USA Today and international bestselling author C.R. Jane. Walker Davis is a morally grey antihero obsessed with his girl and will do anything to keep her.

The Pucking Wrong Date

Crazy but fun!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💙❤️💚💜💖
Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📘📙📔
World building: 🌏🌍🌏🌎🌍
Character development: 😊😄🥹🙁🥰
Narration: 🎙🎙🎙🎙🎙
Narration Type: Duet Narration

The heroine: Olivia Darling (a.k.a. Olivia Jones) – she is a singer who supposedly went crazy a few years ago. She grew up as a bit of a singing prodigy, but she had a strict mother who put a ton of pressure on her to do well at all times. Her mother was the stage mother from hell, cruel and abusive. Her mother hooked Olivia up with a creepy agent when she was nine years old and signed a contract that basically locked Olivia in for years on end. By the time she was nineteen she had been on tour for ten years, running herself to death and taking drugs that her mother and agent fed her.

The Story: Olivia was manipulated and drugged by her mother and her agent. She was abused, pushed and prodded to be their meal ticket and even by the time she was nineteen, her life wasn’t her own. They drugged her, put her on a psych hold and planned to put her under conservatorship. They took pictures of her while drugged to make it look like she was addicted to drugs and crazy.

The Hero: Walker “Disney” Davis – he is the star goalie of a professional hockey team. He was known for being the prince charming for all the girls after his friend Ari gave reporters that little tidbit. His brother Cole is a rockstar who shows up at his house every now and then. Walker was playing in L.A. and his next game was important for him because he was playing for a chance at a contract with the Dallas Knights. There was talk of a Davis family curse where every male in the family had met eyes with a woman and fell instantly in love.

I read the first book in this series and really liked it as well. Though in both books, the Hero does something that is pretty much beyond redemption, but they are so lovable that you (the reader) just can’t help but forgive them. The character development is so good in this book and both the main characters and supporting characters are fantastic. When Walker, Ari and Lincoln get together whether via phone, text or in person, it is comical, and you can’t help but love all of them. Probably the best part of this book.

This audiobook was told in dual points of view via duet narration and was narrated by Troy Duran and Alexis Paige. Troy always does a terrific job. He has a very deep voice, and he is great at showing emotion through his voice and doing all sorts of different voices for different characters. Alexis Paige sounds youthful, and I listened to her narrate the first book in this series and didn’t like her all that much in the beginning because you could tell she was reading, but she did much better in this book, so I am not sure if I just got used to her or what, but I am liking her more.


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