Audiobook Review: Hunting Adeline (Cat and Mouse, #2). ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Hunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The conclusion to the Cat and Mouse Duet is here….

The Diamond

Death walks alongside me….

But the reaper is no match for me.

I’m trapped in a world full of monsters dressed as men, and those who aren’t as they seem.

They won’t keep me forever.

I no longer recognize the person I’ve become….

And I’m fighting to find my way back to the beast who hunts me in the night.

They call me a diamond,

But they’ve only created an angel of death.

The Hunter

I was born a predator….

With ruthlessness ingrained in my bones.

When what’s mine is stolen from me in the night….

Like a diamond hidden within a fortress….

I find that I can no longer contain the beast.

Blood will paint the ground as I tear apart this world to find her.

And bring her back to where she belongs.

No one will escape my wrath….

Especially not those who have betrayed me. 

Warning: This is the second and final installment to the Duet. You must listen to Haunting Adeline first.

Hunting Adeline

Sweet Redemption!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💙🖤💚❤️
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📙📘
World building: 🌏🌍🌎🌍
Character development: 😔🤓😘😄
Narration: 🎙🎙🎙🎙🎙
Narration Type: Duet Narration

The heroine: Adeline – she is a writer, who inherited her grandmother’s victorian house. She found the diaries of her great grandmother Gigi which detailed how she had a stalker, whom she fell in love with. She cheated on her husband, who went downhill after she started changing. Gigi was eventually murdered, and Adeline has been trying to figure out who did it. Meanwhile, Adeline discovered she had her own stalker, and since then she has fallen for him.

The Hero: Zade (a.k.a. The Shadow, a.k.a. Z) – he is a wealthy hacker who started an organization full of hackers and mercenaries that work to take down human traffickers. Lately, he has been working to take down a secret society of pedophiles and human traffickers who kill and drink the blood of children as some sort of black magic to give them everything they want in life. This society is filled with wealthy individuals and the top tiers of government. He is in love with Addy and knows that the society has targeted her and is after her.

The Story: In this book, Adeline is taken by human traffickers. She is hurt and drugged and transferred to a few different places. Meanwhile, Zade is searching for her, torturing everyone that is involved with her abduction while trying to find out more information on where she is being held. All the while he is imagining that the worst is being done to her. Rape, abuse, torture and murder trigger warnings are needed here.

I was hoping, like in many books, the Hero would immediately rescue the heroine, but this one didn’t go quite like I had hoped. Though it was probably much more realistic since people abducted for human trafficking often disappear without a trace. It took Zade quite a long time to find Adeline. It did make things quite interesting. There were chapters with what Adeline was going through and chapters of Zade’s search for her. I kind of liked that.

Zade was pretty awesome in this book. He did a lot of despicable things in the first book, but he was such a great character and boyfriend in this one. I don’t love reading about the terrible things that happen in the human trafficking world. At least in this book it was more centered around the trafficking of adult women since it focused on Adeline’s experience. Either way, I wish there was a guy like Zade in the real world. I think that anyone who took down human trafficking rings should kill those involved like Zade does. Those people can’t be redeemed and deserve the karma.

I think the author thought that since the two main characters were apart for at least half of this book, they had to make up for that by having way too many intimate scenes once they got back together. I ended up fast forwarding through many of them since there were so many and each scene was so long. There were a ton of them, way too many in my opinion. Though in between when the story continued, I did really like the story.

This audiobook was done in dual points of view via duet narration and was narrated by Teddy Hamilton and Michelle Sparks. Teddy Hamilton is one of my favorite male narrators and always does a great job. He has a deep, sexy voice which I just love and makes a great audiobook boyfriend. Michelle Sparks has a soft feminine voice which is very pleasant, and she also did a terrific job.


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