Audiobook Review: Shattered Truths (Lies, Hearts and Truths, #3). ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Shattered Truths by H. Hunting

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The first time I met Winter Marks, I almost took her out with my Jeep.

To be fair, she came out of nowhere.

I flirted with her, and she flipped me off and disappeared into the woods on her bike.

But she left me a souvenir: a single hockey skate.

Seemed to me that divine intervention shouldn’t be ignored.

She was my icy Cinderella, and I would be her Prince Not-So-Charming.

Winter was more than just a sassy, badass hockey-playing hottie.

She’s stuck in a prison of a life. And I’m the perfect escape.

Neither of us expected to fall.

Or for the truth to shatter us.

Shattered Truths

Pucked Over, second generation!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💙❤️💚💜
Steam: 🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📘📙
World building: 🌏🌍🌏🌍
Character development: 😊😅🤨🥰
Narration: 🎙🎙🎙🎙🎙
Narration Type: Dual Narration

The Hero: Winter – she is nineteen and grew up living in trailer parks with a father that is both a jerk and a drunk. She now lives in a small run-down cabin by the lake. She plays hockey and recently got a job at the local donut shop to help her parents out with the bills. Her father spends more than half of every paycheck on beer and cigarettes and her mother often works double shifts at the diner to make ends meet.

The heroine: Randall Ballistic III (a.k.a. Balls Jr., a.k.a. B.J.) – he is the son of the famous NHL hockey player Randy Ballistic from the Pucked series. His friends call him B.J. and he also loves hockey. He grew up rich in the lake district and knows just about everybody in the small town. When he nearly runs over a pretty girl on a bike while in his flashy jeep, he is immediately interested in her, especially when she rides away and leaves a hockey skate behind. B.J. isn’t a hockey player though, he is a figure skater. A badass, bearded, tattooed, male figure skater with a peen piercing.

The Story: Winter is a bit of a fangirl with B.J.’s father and circle of friends but is also out of place with all of these characters since she comes from a completely different background. They come from the wealthy part of town and even hang out with their parents, and she comes from a trailer park where her parents often got the cops called on them for fighting and she doesn’t like being in the vicinity of her dad if she can help it. She is embarrassed about her family’s financial situation but doesn’t like people to feel sorry for her.

I kind of hate books like this even if the story is really good. Winter is old enough to leave her parents. Her mother is so weak, she just always takes what her father dishes out. He is always angry and takes out his anger on both her mother and Winter. Her father expects her to help out with the family expenses and doesn’t want her to be doing anything but working or helping out around the house. She even lies about what she is doing in her free time. Her parents even have access to her bank account. I just really wanted her to leave and live her own life, but she wouldn’t leave her mother. So, the fights between her and her family were hard to hear.

I liked the fact that when things do get better for Winter, the story doesn’t immediately end. It gets more about the romance between Winter and B.J. This is where the story turns into more of a new adult sports romance. I liked that it went in a totally different direction like that. There were also some huge surprises, it isn’t often that a book can surprise me like that.

This audiobook was told in dual points of view via dual narration and was narrated by Zachary Webber and Andi Ardnt. I love both of these narrators though they do sound quite a bit older than these characters are supposed to be. Either way, they do a terrific job on this book.


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