ARC Review: Draco by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Draco by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Approaching my thirtieth birthday, life seemed a dream: the perfect job, a girlfriend I adored, and endless possibilities ahead.

Then I woke up. Trapped in a grimy cellar, my body frail, and my love vanished.

Determined to break free, I succeed. But then the grim truth emerges: my entire reality is a fabrication, and I’ve been branded as the catalyst for the apocalypse. Why me?

I refuse to accept my fate, but how do I stop it when every move I make only brings me closer to becoming death’s henchman? 

When a mysterious man showed up at my door, looking to rent a room, I knew I should turn him away. He wasn’t only good looking, which my live-in boyfriend wouldn’t appreciate, but there was something off about him. Still, I couldn’t say no.

Then things take a dark turn when he claims he’s seen me in his dreams and wants me to explain why. He seems crazy. Or is he?

Because strange stuff starts happening, including the unshakable feeling that I know this man from somewhere. I think…I think I’m meant to help him.

But why does every instinct scream to run? And why can’t I resist getting closer?


A different kind of paranormal!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💙🖤💜💖
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📙📘
World building: 🌏🌍🌎🌍
Character development: 😔🤓😘😄🥰

The Hero: Draco – the last thing he remembers was being on an archeological dig finding gold earrings of the Minoans who lived in Crete over 4000 years ago and talking to his girlfriend about sharing a meal. The next thing he knew, he was waking up in a basement with all kinds of tubes and wires coming out of him. There was a book in the room that looked to be written by his mother which detailed his entire life and he figured that whoever had been reading him the book had made him dream up a life that he had never lived.

The heroine: Piper – she and her fiancée, Leo are buying a victorian house to renovate in San Francisco. The house was built in the 1800’s and has been declared a historical landmark so developers weren’t able to buy the property and demolish the home. It was nearly falling apart and quite a mess, but they got it at a decent price. Piper was a history teacher at the community college her specialty was the Minoans, while Leo was an architect who wanted to make it on his own by renovating historic homes. Their home would be his calling card and his office as well as their home.

The Story: Piper started seeing odd things at the new house. The day she and Leo were there to look at it before putting in a bid, she hit her head and thought she saw a man with a large battle axe who attacked and kissed her. Though she put that down to her knock on the head and forgot about it. The real estate agent, who was superstitious, hired someone to spiritually cleanse the house and when that person was about to enter the house, he blacked out and woke up later in his car.

Within six months, the renovation was costing more than expected and Leo lost his job, so Piper decided to rent out a room for extra cash. When Draco came to rent the room for cash, Piper found herself easily agreeing despite her misgivings when he said someone was after him. He later tells her that the people after him had held him captive for thirty years and kept him in a coma since he was a baby. He has since gained his strength and learned about the world and has had dreams of Pipers house which led him to her.

“I wasn’t like anyone out here in the real world, and I was not referring to being imprisoned in a dream my entire life. I could see into people’s heads and pull out their thoughts. I could make them do things. There were limits, but I surmised it was only a matter of time before I mastered this ability. In just a few short months, I’d already learned to use the tone of my voice to override a person’s apprehension.”

This was another strange paranormal story from the mind of Mimi Jean Pamfiloff, like the King trilogy which I hadn’t read before, but actually I stopped reading this and listened to the trilogy via audiobook to get more background on King who is Draco’s father. Though technically you don’t need to read that series first, I was curious. That was a really weird paranormal romance, and it certainly gave plenty of introduction to the Ten Club (a club full of deviant and devious billionaires) that features heavy in this story.

Draco is told he will end the world and Piper has to keep convincing him that it is not inevitable, that he should be able to change things. The book is about the journey they take to discover what he really is and can do with his powers and if it is his fate or if he can be the good man she thinks he can be. All while they fight against his father’s Ten Club who want to use him for their nefarious purposes. I did really like how the book ended, I wasn’t quite sure if this would be a new trilogy or if it was a standalone and it was, there was no cliffhanger which I love.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts & opinions are my own.


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