Audiobook Review: Malcolm (Redemption, #1). ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Malcolm by S.J. West

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

On the night Anna was born, she was promptly sent away from the down-world to live in the cloud city of Cirrus. That very same night her future was decided for her when she became betrothed to Crown Prince Augustus Amador. For twenty-one years, she has lived as Lady Anna, future Empress of Cirrus and proud daughter of Andre Greco. Although Anna’s destiny seemed laid out for her, fate intervenes to reveal the true path she was always meant to take. With the unexpected arrival of Malcolm Devereaux into her world, Anna knows without a shadow of a doubt that she has finally been reunited with the missing piece of her soul. Chaos and turmoil soon turn Anna’s once docile life upside down, but she knows with Malcolm by her side she can accomplish the mission she was born to undertake. Not only must Anna fight against the princes of Hell, but she must also find a way to help Malcolm stop living in the past so they can have a chance at a future.


Re-read via audiobook

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💙❤️💚💜
Steam: 🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📘📙
World building: 🌏🌍🌏🌍🌎
Character development: 😊😘😟🤓
Narration: 🎙🎙🎙🎙
Narration Type: Solo Narration

The heroine: Anna – on the day she was born things were set in motion for her that would take control of her life. The man that promised to watch over her was so saddened by the death of her mother in childbirth that he made plans to send her away to Cirrus and promised her in marriage to Crown Prince Augustus Amador. He called her an abomination, but still thought he was doing what was best for her and sent her with his best friend, who she grew up with for 21 years thinking of as her father, but everything went to hell the week before she was to be married.

The Hero: Malcolm – He is a fallen angel and lived on the Earth, which is down world from Cirrus, which is a city in the clouds. Earth is divided into districts, and Malcolm is the main money maker. Each of the districts has to give a share of their earnings to the royal house on Cirrus every year and Malcolm’s district pays more than all the other districts combined. Though Malcolm always sends an emissary and never comes to Cirrus himself.

The Story: Anna loved her father, and loved Prince Augie who was her best friend. Though Augie was gay and in love with someone else, she was prepared to marry him and become Empress. However, a week before the wedding was to take place, Augie returned after a secret meeting with his love and he was a complete stranger. He accused Anna of treason for sending and receiving mail with a known rebel. The rebel in question just happened to be Augie’s true love.

I read nearly all the books in the Watchers Universe about 6 or 7 years ago and loved them all. Though I have literally read thousands of books since then, so I didn’t remember all that much. I did remember that Malcolm was one of my favorite characters, even when he was in love with Lily. Since she loved someone else, I couldn’t wait for Malcolm’s story, and I originally put this book as 5 stars, and though that was before I started writing reviews, I think I would now give this one 4 stars because it just didn’t hold my interest as much as I thought it would.

This audiobook was told in dual points of view via solo narration and was narrated by Elizabeth Evans. I think this was the first time I had listened to her narration. However, she is extremely good and this was one of the few times I didn’t mind a solo female narrator.


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