Audiobook Review: Alien Enemy (Fated Mates of the Sea Sand Warlords, #2). ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Alien Enemy by Ursa Dax

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

“They call me the Mad Gahn. But I never felt truly mad until I saw her face…”


So, our mission on an alien planet fell apart before it even got started. Great. Now I’m the only surviving military crew member, leading a gaggle of civilian women in unfamiliar terrain.

But it turns out one soldier isn’t enough to protect them from the monsters of this planet. Soon enough we’re all scooped up by a bunch of alien barbarian warriors with tails. When I meet their huge, red-eyed leader, he wraps his claws around my throat and looks like he wants to crush me. I can only think of one name for him: The Enemy.

He’s crazy, moody, and his ego is bigger than his whole planet. Everything about him rubs me the wrong way. My defiance is just as big a thorn in his side, if his glares and snarls are anything to go by.

We can’t stand each other, but for some reason we keep falling towards each other, over and over again. If I hate him so much, why can’t I seem to stay away?

And when he claims that I’m his mate, why don’t I want to run?


There are few women of the Sea Sands now, so the unfamiliar females who appear in the desert are a great boon to my tribe. But their leader, the one with the flame-coloured hair, challenges me at every step, her insolence a hot irritation. I do not understand her nonsense words, but I recognize the hateful defiance in her strange, lovely eyes.

It makes me want to punish her. It makes me want to make her mine.

She is fire in my veins. A thirst I cannot quench. A beautiful torture. Madness. She makes me feel like I am losing control. She makes me question everything, even my own sanity.

Will she finally submit, acknowledge me as her mate, and end my suffering? Or will she throw me headfirst into madness?

Alien Enemy

Crosses over with scenes from the first book.

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💙❤️💚
Steam: 🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📘
World building: 🌏🌍🌏🌎
Character development: 😊😘😟
Narration: 🎙🎙🎙🎙
Narration Type: Dual Narration

The heroine: Chapman – she was a military officer on a mission to a planet that had some resources that were wanted by the government of Earth. She hadn’t known that it entailed kidnapping a bunch of women who specialized in certain things like biology, geology, linguistics and more and forcing them to go to the planet and find the resources, dealing with the aliens, terrain and everything else on the planet. She also didn’t expect what happened when they landed on the planet and were attacked by 6-foot-tall crab/scorpion creatures.

The Hero: Fallo (a.k.a. The Mad Gahn) – he is the Ghan, the leader of his clan of Sand Sea Warriors. It was the largest of all the clans and they were feared by the other clans. His men were out hunting when they came across the spaceship being attacked by sand monsters. They killed the monsters and rescued the women, taking them to their home.

The Story: Chapman, being the only military officer left in the group of 20 or so women, is kind of the leader of the human females. They are taken captive by Fallo’s clan and the fact that they can’t communicate with each other causes all kinds of problems. Not to mention the fact that they are two different species and don’t really understand the differences. For example, alien females don’t get swollen breasts unless they are pregnant, so when he sees that chapman has breasts, he assumes she is with child.

The story is good in this one and I liked the previous book as well, though I have a problem with alien romance when it takes too long for the communication differences to be resolved. Whether it ends up being resolved by translator implants, learning each others’ language or some other magical force that gives understanding of languages. I just don’t like when people can’t talk to each other in romance books.

One thing that bothered me in the last book was the description of the alien males having three tongues. It bothered me because it sounded like something that would never evolve, I mean why? And how would it look and work and even fit in a mouth? Though in this book, it explained that it is more like one tongue, forked into three, a bit like a snake. That made a lot more sense to me though it still isn’t something I liked.

This audiobook was done in dual points of view via dual narration. It was narrated by Patrick Zeller and Aletha George. These aren’t two of my favorite narrators, as they both sound a bit older than I generally like for romance but they both do a good job and have very pleasant voices. Patrick Zeller has a good way of showing why they call Fallo the Mad Ghan.


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