Review: Loved Cyborg (Bound by Her, #2). ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Loved Cyborg: A SciFi Cyborg Romance by Nellie C. Lind

My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Can’t find Mr. Right? Why not create him? MedAct is the company that can make all your dreams come true! Just give them a call and let them create the perfect man for you. But remember, you can never give him up. It will kill him, literally.

For as long as Celise has known the cyborg Wind, she’s been in love with him, but he’s bound to another. A relationship between them is impossible, and the last thing she wants is to ruin her friendship with him, or his bound one, Diane.

But there’s a problem. Diane is sick, and if she dies, Wind will die with her, or end up with the Fighters, the dangerous and unbound cyborgs who care about nothing but themselves.

Celise’s entire life is thrown into chaos when she’s propositioned in a way she never saw coming. Diane wants Celise to take her place, but if Wind can’t accept her as his new bound one, there will be more at stake than her heart.

Loved Cyborg

So much better than I expected!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💙🖤💚💜
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📙📘📔
World building: 🌏🌍🌎🌍🌎
Character development: 😔😃😤🥰😘

The Hero: Wind – he was born a full-grown cyborg more than fifteen years ago and has been bound to Diane for that entire time. She is dying and he doesn’t know what will happen when she dies. Most cyborgs die when their bound person dies. Some live, but they can turn crazy if they don’t bind themselves to someone else. Diane wants him to bind himself to Celise or someone else because she wants him to live even after she passes.

The heroine: Celise – Celise has known Wind and Diane for five years and has been in love with him since she first met him. Everyone in their circle of friends knows about her feelings but they don’t talk about it. She once talked about it with Wind, he told her that he could never be with her, but she just replied that she couldn’t control her feelings like that. Celise is a doctor and works at MedAct, the company that creates cyborgs. She knows more about cyborgs than most cyborgs and more than most people at MedAct.

The Story: This was a hard one because the bond made Wind only want Diane and when they approached Celise, she didn’t want to be his second choice, or his choice only because he wanted to live and not because he actually wanted her. Though they both knew how the bond worked so once Diane died, if they bonded, it would be love between them. However, if I were Celise, I would always feel like I was second choice. What made it worse was the fact that while Diane was still alive the bond made Wind nauseous when he even thought about hooking up with Celise.

I usually hate romances where a significant other dies, because I don’t like my Hero or heroine to have romantically loved someone else. Though this was a bit different with the bond. I did really like the fact that Wind started getting a bit possessive of Celise before they even transferred the bond and before Diane died. Though when they started to transfer the bond and Jade mentioned that one way to do it would be to have a threesome, I rolled my eyes big time.

Though I must say the overarching storyline in the series about the fighters and what MedAct is up to and what the bond really was designed for was very good. I ended up really liking this book and staying up til all hours of the morning to finish it. My workday tomorrow is going to be a long and torturous one. I am definitely moving on to the next book tomorrow.


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