Review: Black Bay Defender (Beasts of Black Bay, #2). ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Black Bay Defender by Kimberly Forrest

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Former Navy SEAL Commander, Grady Carter was never given a choice. Forced into a top-secret government program, he became a bio-robotic super soldier against his will. Now, he’s escaped the clutches of the program’s sinister control, finding refuge with the enigmatic Beasts of Black Bay. But his relentless enemies are closing in, and Grady must strike first to survive.

Lark, genetically engineered and raised in a secret lab, shares Grady’s thirst for justice. The illegal experiments that shaped their lives must be exposed and dismantled. Yet, to unmask the traitor who sold Grady out, he needs to recover the memories still buried beneath layers of programming. Lark may be his only hope to unlock the secrets he thought were lost forever.
As attraction ignites between Lark and Grady, time is running out. Their adversaries are closing in, and to protect their secrets, they’ll obliterate Black Bay, the only true home Lark has ever known.

Black Bay Defender

Cyborgs and Super Soldiers!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💙🖤💚❤️
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📙📘
World building: 🌏🌍🌎🌍🌎
Character development: 😔😃😤🥰

The Hero: Grady Carter – he was CIA and an ex-Navy SEAL who supposedly died in a bombing. Though he recently awakened to find out he had been intentionally targeted, wounded and turned into a government experiment. He is now a cyborg, though he has broken free from his programming and is in control of himself. His mind had been wiped, but with his sister’s help, he has regained his memories.

The heroine: Lark Davies – she was an experiment in genetic enhancements from time she was born. Dr. Anna Deitrich thought of herself as the mother to all of her experiments and put them through hell, testing them to see what they could do and what they could survive. She is part viper and has deadly venom as well as iridescent scales that can be seen on her sides and around her face. She also has reptilian eyes and bold coloring, such as her red hair.

The Story: Lark has lived at the Black Bay Penitentiary, which is the covert home of her team of black ops enhanced soldiers. Grady recently came to Black Bay in search of Dr. Dietrich whom he planned to kill for what she and Doctor Jerome did to him. They now have a mission to rescue the rest of the cyborgs and also to stop the government from enacting their endgame plans to turn all the genetically enhanced soldiers into cyborgs under their control.

This series is heavy on the story, but also has some great romance. Grady and Lark met in the first book and Grady was very attracted to Lark from the first time he saw her. I liked that he wanted her before he even knew she was genetically enhanced. Their attraction for each other grows pretty quickly in the story.

I have to admit, I loved the way Grady didn’t hesitate to get back at the man that recruited him for the CIA, knowing that Grady would be blown up and given to project Resurrection. In some books, when there is a bad guy like that, the author will stretch things out till the end to keep the story going, but I liked how Grady was able to finally remember the man and exact fitting retribution within seconds.

The romance between Grady and Lark was going along good, when something happened to set them back, but I really liked how they both fought for each other. Both of them were strong characters and had overcome so much that they really deserved to have something good in their lives.


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