Review: Cyborg (Galactic Gladiators, #10). ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Cyborg by Anna Hackett

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Scientist Ever Haynes was shocked when she was abducted by alien slavers…but the last thing she expected was to find herself pregnant with a cyborg’s baby.

Ever has been fighting for her life since her abduction, and the only good thing to happen to her was one heated night with a mysterious prisoner–a connection, a flash of light in the darkness. But then he was rescued and she was left behind. Now, weeks later, she’s been saved by the House of Galen gladiators…and by the man she shared the hottest night of her life with. But cool, emotionless cyborg Magnus Rone has no memory of their night together and finding out that she’s expecting his baby is a shock to everyone.

Created in a military program, Magnus is genetically and cybernetically enhanced–emotionless, ruthless, focused. He vows to protect Ever and the baby she carries, and despite his lack of memory, everything about tough, levelheaded Ever draws him in. All his life, his emotional dampeners and training have limited his ability to feel emotions…but one small Earth woman cuts through all that and leaves him feeling.

As they work together to hunt down the deadly desert arena of Zaabha and the final human woman trapped there, Ever and Magnus find a stunning passion neither can resist or ignore. But in the dangerous desert sands of Carthago, with the House of Galen gladiators by their sides, deadly enemies are closing in. Ever and Magnus will be dragged back into the darkness, and Magnus will do anything and sacrifice everything to keep her safe.

Note to readers: This sci fi romance contains a lot of action (think wild gladiatorial fights and daring rescues), tough gladiators (the warriors of the House of Galen and the House of Rone) and a steamy romance (between a sexy, emotionless cyborg and a resilient survivor from Earth). So if you like it fast, and gritty, and sexy, this is for you!


A cyborg leader on a gladiatorial planet!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💙🖤💚💖
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📙
World building: 🌏🌍🌎
Character development: 😟🤭😤

The heroine: Ever Haynes – she worked as a scientist on the Fortuna Space Station when aliens attacked, and she was taken captive. For months, she was captive in a barren cell where she was made to sleep on the cold, hard floor as she was hauled across the galaxy by Thraxian slavers. She was eventually sold to a desert arena where she was made to fight gladiator style for her life, not even knowing if her sister Neve was alive. She was eventually rescued and was now pregnant with a half alien cyborg baby.

The Hero: Magnus Rone – he used to be an assassin in the military and was now Imperator of the House of Rone. He regularly rescued beings and put them under his protection. Many in the House of Rone were cyborgs like him, born in a lab. His house were weapons dealers and gladiators and they made the best weapons on the planet. He had been delivering some of his weapons when he was attacked in the desert and taken captive by slavers.

The Story: Magnus doesn’t remember much of his captivity, though Ever has told him that she is now carrying his child. He was told he couldn’t reproduce and none of his medical team know how he was able to create a child with the human woman. He hasn’t told them about the fact that his emotional dampeners malfunction when he is near Ever.

There were good things about this story and things I hated. First of all, the Thraxian slavers want Ever back after she was rescued. She is hugely pregnant and even after they nearly capture her again, she continues to put herself in danger and insists on going on a dangerous mission. Sure, her being there would help the team since she created some technology they can use, but I think it is selfish to put herself in danger like that while carrying a child.

Though I really did like the romance. I liked how stoic and cold Magnus was at the beginning and how he didn’t remember their night together, but he quickly warms up to Ever. There are also a lot of supporting characters which I really liked. This is the first book in this series I have read, but I assume some of the other couples were from prior books.


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