Audiobook Review: First and Only (Callaghan Brothers, #2). ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

First and Only by Abbie Zanders

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

You never forget your first love.  

Lexi O’Connell has secretly been in love with Ian Callaghan for more than ten years. So when she returns to Pine Ridge and he turns those sexy crystal blue eyes her way, she doesn’t have a hope of resisting, even if she knows it can only be for one night. 

Even if it will break her heart. Because while she would know him anywhere, he doesn’t even recognize her. 

Ian Callaghan is mischievous, playful, and irresistible to women. When he sets his sights on the attractive young woman who has been discreetly staring at him, he doesn’t think twice about seducing her. 

It wasn’t supposed to be more than one night. And falling in love with her was definitely not part of the plan. 

A few days is all Ian needs to know that Lexi is The One. His croie. His soul mate. And he doesn’t understand how she can just walk away. 

But what Ian doesn’t understand might just kill her. 

First and Only

Sick secrets!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💙❤️💚💜
Steam: 🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📘📙
World building: 🌏🌍🌏🌎
Character development: 🙃😊😉🥰😘
Narration: 🎙🎙🎙🎙🎙
Narration Type: Solo Narration

The heroine: Lexi O’Connell – she is the master chef of the Celtic Goddess restaurant in Georgia and is on vacation, returning to Pine Ridge Pennsylvania, to her roots for a two-day trip. She loved to people watch, crafting a scenario for the people she sees. She already did that for most of the other passengers on the bus, when she sees a handsome man that reminds her of someone from her past, a man named Ian whom she had been in love with for all of her adult life.

The Hero: Ian Callaghan – he is former military and works special ops for the government along with his brothers from time to time. In between missions, he works at the family’s Irish pub and is quite the ladies’ man. He is happy-go-lucky and full of charisma. Whenever he sees a beautiful woman, he immediately turns on the charm and tries to get her into bed.

The Story: Ian was one of the best characters in Dangerous Secrets, he was a big flirt and had such a devil-may-care attitude, that you couldn’t help but love him. On the bus, Ian sits down next to Lexi after a trip to the bathroom and she realizes that he is actually Ian Callaghan, and he doesn’t even know who she is. Lexi knew that Ian was never interested in her, she considered herself plain and never wanted to go out of her way to attract him, she had been saving herself for the ‘one’ at the time.

Ian was intrigued by Lexi from the start, he liked that she was the shy, quiet type and even liked that she seemed to have limited sexual experience, which was odd because he usually ran from someone like that. He hadn’t been close to innocence like that for a while and she smelled like sunshine. Lexi has some secrets though, and Ian wants to learn all of them.

I liked how attracted to Lexi that Ian was from the very start, how he noticed everything about her. He had been feeling especially restless since his brother Jake had found someone to love. Plus, he just returned from a dangerous mission, so he seemed more in tune with his emotions. The story was good and like the first book, the character building was great. The Callaghan family are terrific, they are a bunch of crazy brothers and an awesome father.

This audiobook was told in dual points of view via solo narration. It was narrated by Aiden Snow who is one of my all-time favorite male narrators. He has a soft yet very deep voice which is so sexy. I could listen to him for days. He does a great job with this book (and with everything he narrates).


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