Review: Bonded to the Cyborg Beast (Cyborg Mates, #1). ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Bonded to the Cyborg Beast by Corin Cain

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Over-Protective. Ultra-Possessive. Totally in control.

Thea: I designed him to make grown men feel small and pathetic. To me… he’s a titan.

6’8. 700 pounds of flesh and steel. A killing machine with the strength of twenty men. He’s the only man who could stand up to a triad of Rogue Aurelians.

I designed him with one purpose. To protect the weak and helpless from the coming storm. He’s the first of his kind, a flawed prototype too beastly to live.

I spill my secrets to his unknowing ears, knowing he will never come alive.

He will never link to his ward.

Auger: My eyes have never opened.

The only sound is her voice. Thea is brilliant. A genius, but compared to me, she’s weak and helpless. She doesn’t know the danger she’s in.

Every time she touches me I latch onto her being. I feel her inside my spine.

She belongs to me.

I will find her. I will protect her.

She will learn that she is mine.

Bonded to the Cyborg Beast

What a rush!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💙🖤💜💖
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📙📘📔
World building: 🌏🌍🌎🌍🌎
Character development: 🤨😟😳😍

The heroine: Thea – she was a child prodigy who graduated high school at 16 and went to the impressive Able Institute of Technology to study AI. She is now 22 years old and has been working for Cobernaught Corporation for years, designing and building cyborgs to be used as bodyguards. Her newest creation is a test model, though he breathes and lives, he has never been turned on.

The Hero: Auger – he was the only one of his kind, built to be the best protection a wealthy person can get. He is 6’8” and made of a mixture of alien and human DNA, with a metal skeleton, he weighs over 700 pounds and is programmed with the knowledge of hundreds of people that were at the top of their fields, from doctors, to karate masters, to military leaders, and more. Their brains are stored at Cobernaught and used as inputs for the cyborgs. Though Auger was never meant to be woken up, he was just a test and is used for demonstrating the size and looks of the cyborgs to potential customers.

The Story: When a cyborg is bought by a wealthy client, that client’s DNA will get encoded to the cyborg and that is how they know who they will be protecting. The encoded DNA will prevent the cyborg from being tricked by a lookalike, a hologram or something of that nature. Thea didn’t know it at the time, but as she was creating Auger, he was getting her DNA every time she touched him and though he wasn’t awake, he could hear her as she spoke to him, so when he is suddenly awakened, she is the one that he knows to protect.

The story is a bit convoluted, but it is also very good. This is not your standard cyborg romance and though there are plenty of steamy scenes, there is a ton of action and adventure, and this story kept me on the edge of my seat from the very beginning. I really enjoyed it, much more than I even expected.

The corporation Thea works for turns out to be evil in many different ways and they must escape, or Thea will be killed, and Auger will be incinerated. There are assassins after them and though Augur is nearly indestructible, he does have a few weaknesses and those are known to the people after them. Reading this story has definitely made me want to check out more from Corin Cain. I have never read anything by this author before, but this one impressed me.


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