Audiobook Review: SoL (Darverius, House of DaR, #3). ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

SoL by Jennifer Julie Miller

My rating: 4 of 5 stars


The question is, do I allow this dark moment in time to rob me of the life I could possibly have here? I have never known such horror or fear. If I hadn’t experienced it myself, I would have never believed any other living thing could possibly do this to another. The scars may be gone on the outside now, but they will remain forever in my soul. They tell me I can never go back, all that I have ever known is gone. Where does this leave me in the world of monsters? He beckons me, promising me . . . the fairytale . . . the impossible dream. Everything I have ever wanted to hear! But I don’t know if I’m strong enough to go forward as long as the shadows of our past pull me backwards.


I knew she was withholding the truth from me. I had no idea who I held in my arms, until it was almost too late. The moment her true essence was revealed to me, my body reacted, reaching out for the one thing I had been searching for my whole life . . . my Inamorata. The very mistress of my heart and now that I have finally found her. I will follow her through the sands of time . . . no matter how long it takes. I will find my way back to her . . . because she is MINE!


A massive mountain of a man!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: ❤️💙💜💚
Steam: 🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📘📙
World building: 🌏🌍🌏🌎🌍
Character development: 😠☺️😋😍
Narration: 🎙🎙🎙🎙🎙
Narration Type: Dual Narration

The heroine: Alana – she lost her parents, was forced to sell their farm and still owed money to collection agencies when she got a job as a dancer on a cruise ship. She boarded an airplane to go to the job and was abducted by aliens when they hijacked the plane. She was in stasis for nearly 90 years and wakes up to find she has been sold to a blue female on the space station ecstasy.

The Hero: SoL – he is the second child of the House of DaR. He is a massive blue alien who is larger than everyone on the planet. When he was young, he was mistreated along with his friend who was a little girl he took care of until they were separated, she was taken to learn how to please men and he was sold, but then escaped until his father DaR found him and raised him to be a good man.

The Story: Alana was bought by that same little girl who grew up to be a beautiful woman named Vareena. To get her own freedom Vareena bought Alana to replace her in the pleasure house where she works as a performer and a prostitute. Though Vareena is wanted by an assassin and when she is killed, Alana escapes with SoL, though she is disguised as Vareena.

This series has been fun because each Hero is a different type of alien despite being a father and his sons. The father DaR had 22 sons, each by a different type of female alien as part of some sort of genetics program. I hope more books are added to this series and that they get put on audiobook.

Though this one was a bit shorter than I usually like, since it was less than 5 hours, though I picked it up on sale so it was worth it. I also like that these aren’t overly steamy. I get a bit sick of the smutty alien romance where they spend more time in the bedroom than anywhere else. I like action and adventure in these stories.

This book is told in multiple points of view via dual narration and was narrated by Emily Sutton-Smith and Tor Thom. Tor is perfect as always and has a deep voice which I enjoy immensely. Emily Sutton-Smith also does a great job, she has a soft, feminine voice which I have come to enjoy quite a bit while listening to this series.


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