Audiobook Review: The Baron’s Bride (Alien Mate Index, #6). ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Baron’s Bride by Evangeline Anderson

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hi, I’m Natalie Hale and I sell my blood for a living.

Not like you’re thinking—I don’t go to the Blood Bank and give plasma to make money. It’s not nearly that easy. Instead, I literally have strange men biting my arms all day for a sip of my delicious blood. That’s because I was abducted and then abandoned on the awful world of O’nagga Nine, where everyone is kind of a vampire so they need blood to survive. And since my blood is pretty much all I have to my name, it’s what I sell to make a living.

Not a very good living, though. In fact, I’m miserable. Living on O’nagga Nine is like living in the Arctic Circle—it’s horribly cold all year round and my apartment is a literal hole in the ground. Also, no matter how many men bite me, I barely make enough to get by. That is, until I run into Baron Vik’tor.

Vik’tor is the richest man on the planet and everyone defers to him. When he swoops me up and takes me to his penthouse, I suddenly feel like I’m in a scifi version of Pretty Woman. (Only I don’t think Richard Gere asked to bite Julia Roberts and drink her blood.) The main thing is, though, I’m safe and warm—finally warm! Vik’tor is only half vampire—his other half is Braxian which means he has curling horns, blue tattoos, and a wicked temper. He’s also fiercely protective of me, which I kind of like after having to make it on my own for so long.

But my own personal Pretty Woman scenario can’t last for long. There are people in Vik’tor’s life that want to get rid of me—people who will stop at nothing to see me dead. Will I survive the attempts on my life and will Vik’tor get to me in time?
You’ll have to read The Baron’s Bride to find out…

The Baron’s Bride

Pretty woman, alien style!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💙🤎💜❤️
Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📘📙📔
World building: 🌏🌍🌍🌏
Character development: 😠☺️😋🥰
Narration: 🎙🎙🎙🎙🎙
Narration Type: Dual Narration

The heroine: Natalie – she was abducted from Earth by the alien mate index and sold to a wormlike alien who wanted a Latizal (a female with an an ability or power) as a gift for his emperor. When her power didn’t manifest, he dumped her on an awful planet called O’nagga Nine. It is a frozen planet inhabited by vampires. She lived by selling her blood, one bite at a time, from her wrist, not her neck. Though she didn’t make much and her life was not good and she was always cold. She had to hide each night from the sweepers, the bugs who came out to feed on the ice mites to and keep the hub from deteriorating.

The Hero: Baron Vik’tor – he is half vampire and half Braxian and is the wealthiest person on O’nagga Nine. He was like a mafia lord on the planet. When he finds out from one of his advisors, that a blood whore is using his sigil (which he only gives out to special guests for protection), he is determined to find out why.

The Story: Natalie has a blood pimp named Rixus who put a tracker chip in her. Another of his girl’s introduced them and she was his before she knew what was going on. She lived in a hole and was horrified by what she had to do to survive. She dreamed of getting back to earth and had a chance to leave at one point but was to afraid to run from Rixus for fear of what he does to girls that run from him.

I liked this entire series, and this one was no different. Each book in this series was great and took place in different settings though there was a bit of crossover between some of the books. Though each could definitely be read as a standalone. The story was a good one, it had some danger and some villains and the romance was pretty good as well.

This book was told in multiple points of view by a dual narration. It and was narrated by William Martin and Hazel Burns. Natalie was African American and Hazel did a terrific job at the narration and sounded exactly as I would expect Natalie to sound. William Martin does a great job as well. He speaks in a kind of a loud whisper, and I liked that.


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