Audiobook Review: Tamed By an Alien Warlord (Fated Mates of the Ferlaern Warriors) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Tamed By an Alien Warlord by Ava Ross

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

He’s shy and scarred and thinks no one will ever love him. She’s determined to show him he’s the hottest alien in the universe.

Durran: The Earthling females are settling into our clan, finding new homes high in the forest’s canopy. Matches are being made, but not for me. Scarred as I am, none will ever glance my way. But one Earthling… Rayne’s sweet and funny, and I want to scoop her up in my arms and kiss her until she moans my name. To protect my heart, I’ll keep busy with my investigation into a new threat to our clan. Someone’s harming our trees, and I need to stop them before our way of life is destroyed.

Rayne: To distract myself from my ongoing lust for Durran, I’m focusing on researching the substance poisoning the clan’s trees and raising my five-year-old daughter. She’s bonding with a trundier, and I’m worried she’ll fly off into the sunset on the creature that pretty much looks like a giant hornet. But when Durran and I kiss, and kisses lead to other things, I’m thrown for a loop. Can a gruff alien trundier trainer and a single mom find true love on a planet far from Earth?

Tamed By an Alien Warlord


The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💙🤎💜❤️
Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📙📘
World building: 🌏🌍🌏🌏
Character development: 😠☺️😋😎
Narration: 🎙🎙🎙🎙🎙
Narration Type: Dual Narration

The heroine: Rayne – After a disease swept through Earth, killing most of the men, a few alien races who lost most of their women to the same disease contacted Earth, and made treaties and exchanged technology to work together and create a mail order bride type program. Rayne signed up for the program and went to a planet called Ferlaern with her small daughter. Rayne was determined to find out why their mighty trees were dying. She had worked for a landscaping company back home and had an affinity for trees.

The Hero: Durran – He is a Ferlaern warrior, who has been scarred and he thinks that no woman would ever choose him as a mate. He is attracted to Rayne, the human female with a precocious little girl. He is a bit grumpy at the start, but is a nice guy inside. He just wants to protect her and keep her safe.

The Story: Rayne wanted Duran from the start and was craving some intimacy with him, though he was oblivious at first, though he was sure none of the beautiful human women would ever want him because of his scars. Even after she showed him how much she wanted him, he thought she just forgot about his scars for a minute, but would ultimately reject him, so he rejected her first.

I don’t know why romance authors always in a series like this have to have one of the Hero’s with disfiguring facial scars. What is it with that? I mean if as many men in real life had disfiguring facial scars as in romance, we would be seeing men like that all over. Similarly romance authors always have to have heroines with red hair when in reality redheads only make up 1-2% of the population. But whatever…

The story overall was good. I liked the fact that Rayne was intelligent and wanted to find out what was killing the trees. She was brave enough to go out alone in the alien wilderness, though it wasn’t the smartest thing to do. The story got good when they determined that there was some dangerous things happening in the forest.

This book was told in dual points of view via dual narration and was narrated by Felicity Munroe and Stephen Dexter. Felicity Munroe does the narration for a lot of alien romance, and she is very good. She has a great voice and is terrific at showing emotion through her voice and sounding like she is speaking instead of reading. Stephen Dexter is also great. He has a deep yet soft voice and always does an awesome job.


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