Audiobook Review: Baby for the Bosshole (The Lasker Brothers, #1) by Nadia Lee. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Baby for the Bosshole by Nadia Lee

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Emmett Lasker is an arrogant jerk, a total workaholic, and my unreasonable billionaire boss. I can’t stand him.

He’s also the father of my baby.

Emmett Lasker is impossible to work for. He might be model handsome and stupidly wealthy, but he also has it out for me. He’s given me more last-minute and weekend requests than anyone else, ruining any plans I make.

I should quit. And I will. Just as soon as I hit my two-year anniversary and earn out my signing bonus.

But after a particularly awful day at work, a breakup (via text!), and my computer crashing, I’ve had enough! So at 11:59 Friday night, I barge into Emmett’s office to tell him what I really think of him.

Only, that’s not what happens. AT ALL.

There’s something about finding your ridiculously hot boss in a compromising position, moaning your name, that can derail a girl’s best intentions.

And now? I’m pregnant. He wants to “do the right thing” and marry me.

Yeah. That’s never gonna happen.

Baby for the Bosshole

Billionaire, alpha male, office, secret baby romance!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💚🖤💙💖
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📘📙
World building: 🌏🌍🌎🌏
Character development: 😄😮🙂🥰
Narrator(s): 🎙🎙🎙🎙🎙
Narration type: Duet Narration

The heroine: Amy – she’s been sleeping only 4 hours a night for the last three months and is up and in the office by 8 am every day. She needs the job to pay off the student loans for her Harvard college degree and MBA from Wharton which cost nearly half a million dollars, and she is not a quitter. She plans to show her horrible bosshole that hiring her was the best thing he has ever done before her two years are up in eight more weeks, before turning in her resignation. She might stay though if he begs her to stay and offers her some terrific incentives to stay. She was raised by a single father after her mom left when she was a baby, and she gets along with her dad very well.

The Hero: Emmett – he is a wealthy financier, a founding partner of a venture capital firm who is often seen out with different women on his arm. He is an alpha male who gives his employees large signing bonuses with the caveat that if they don’t stay at the firm for two years, they have to pay it back. Then once the employees are locked in, he works them nearly to death.

“A modern bosshole can fake being decent human while making your life miserable at the same time.”

The Story: Amy has a lunch meeting/interview with a new firm and is looking forward to getting a job with less hours and more money to pay off her loans and save up for a home for her father to retire in. She is dating a guy named Rick who she doesn’t really have time for. When he plans a weekend away, Amy just knows that her boss will somehow find out and kill her plans by throwing a bunch more work on her. It has happened before. Little does she know that Emmett is a bit too interested in her love life and knows that her boyfriend plans to take her for a weekend away, so at the last minute, he gives her more work.

Amy works till midnight and gets angrier at her boss with every minute she works, so when she goes into his office to throw all his frustrations at him, she catches him in a compromising position while moaning her name. One thing leads to another, and they end up getting busy. I liked how Emmett was a bit of a stalker for Amy before she got interested in him and she found him in flagrante.

This audiobook was told in dual points of view via duet narration and was narrated by Sebastian York and Maxine Mitchell. Both of these narrators are terrific. I love Sebastian York’s gravelly voice that sounds so down to earth. Maxine Mitchell has a clear, feminine voice and is great at showing emotion through her voice. They do a fantastic job, as always.


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