Review: Protecting Dallas by Krista Wolf. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Protecting Dallas by Krista Wolf

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Three ripped, gorgeous Navy SEALS. One sizzling night of ultimate, carnal pleasure. Who would’ve thought hitting rock-bottom could be so much fun?

With her parents both gone and her brother KIA, Dallas Winters leads a cold, lonely existence. That is, until a trio of elite SEALs rescue her from a crack team of unknown assailants, hellbent on capturing her for reasons even they don’t yet understand. 

Enter Maddox, the chiseled blond leader of the group, who explains that her brother tasked them with protecting Dallas shortly before his demise. Along with Austin, olive-skinned and beautiful, and Kane, the brooding alpha giant, these three powerful soldiers have been guarding Dallas longer than she even knows… and will continue to do so, until every last one their enemies are vanquished. 

Yet when a single night of weakness ignites a powder-keg of irrepressible sexual attraction? Dallas finds herself adrift on a glorious sea of passion, sinew, and man-muscle. Jealousy is thrust aside as her three gorgeous roommates offer a sinfully unorthodox solution: sharing Dallas together, fully and completely, in every possible way. 

Satisfying the needs of three strapping warriors is fun at first, as Dallas is put through the exhaustingly delicious paces of being a shared girlfriend. But the sinister forces aligning against them have other plans, and even Dallas herself harbors a hidden, yet undiscovered secret… 

Can three brothers-in-arms love and protect one beautifully headstrong woman, while fighting off the same treacherous mercenaries responsible for their comrade’s demise? Or will their budding four-way relationship – filled with lust and sharing and love – be doomed to failure before it can even truly begin? 

Protecting Dallas

A bit unbelievable but good overall!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💙💜❤️💖
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📙
World building: 🌏🌍🌎
Character development: 🤓😀😘

The heroine: Dallas – her brother Connor was a Navy SEAL before he died. Her parents had died when she was young. One night while sleeping at her home in the Las Vegas suburbs, Dallas suddenly wakes up and knows that someone is in her house, she fights the attackers but there are a bunch of them in her house all at once and some of them are fighting the others. She gets taken and her house is set on fire. She finds out that the three guys that took her served with her brother and they actually saved her from the other guys who were there for nefarious but unknown reasons.

The Hero: Maddox, Austin and Kane – former Navy SEALs who served with Connor.
Maddox – The blond haired, blue-eyed leader of the team.
Austin – he is tall, dark and handsome,
Kane – he is huge, muscular and quiet.

The Story: The guys had been watching Dallas remotely via cameras that Connor set up in her home for over a year, because Connor had asked them to before he died. When the men in black broke into her house, they immediately acted and got her out of there. They knew the guys in black had something to do with Connor’s disappearance and death. Now she had to lay low with the SEALs because apparently the ones after her won’t stop.

I didn’t really like Dallas much at first. She was too sure of herself, too bossy and too unconcerned about her own safety. Granted she knew how to use a gun and was pretty good at fighting back when those guys broke into her house. But it was obvious that they were trained military men that were after her and she was a blackjack dealer. She was definitely not a match for any of them and the three SEALs were able to grab her and basically take her captive. So, she should have been at least a bit more afraid.

Then Dallas talked the three SEALs into letting her go with them when they were doing surveillance on the men who may have murdered her brother and burned down her house, and they let her talk them into it. Stupid in my opinion, especially since they got into a gunfight, though she turned out to practically be a professional race car driver during the car chase. Very believable. Not!

Another thing that really bothered me in this one was the fact that Dallas referred to the guys as her lovers. I hate that term. I mean who, in this day and age calls anyone their “lover” rather than boyfriend or friends with benefits? It just sounds like they are from the seventies or something. There were also some things that didn’t make sense in this story. For one, Maddox said he had a job working for private security, but he never went to it. Austin and Kane were on some sort of sabbatical leave from the SEALs and apparently had been doing nothing but watching Dallas for over a year, yet the guys had plenty of money for decorating their house, getting Dallas all new things when her house burned down, airplane tickets, motels and more.

Overall, the story was good. I liked the whole storyline of the guys and Dallas looking into what got her brother killed and I enjoyed the action scenes. There were a bit too many intimate scenes, though that does sometimes happen in reverse-harem romances, so it can be expected. I just fast forwarded my reading to the end of a lot of those scenes to get back to the action and mystery.


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